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February, 2023:

Branch Bulletin – Jan 2023

NEC elections – use your vote!

UCU Rising – strike dates, advice on leave and negotiation update

Branch Meeting report

Defend the Right to Strike

Workplace Charter on Harmful Gambling

And Rosta – ‘Comrade of Distinction’


NEC elections – use your vote! Elections to the union’s National Executive Committee (NEC) are underway and voting packs should be arriving in the post any day. Please do not throw them in the bin! They contain voting papers and the election addresses of all candidates. These are important elections that help determine union strategy, so it is vital all members use their vote. Branch Chair Mick McKrell is standing as an NEC candidate for the North West Region. The UCLan Branch Committee are grateful to Mick, who held the seat in 2016-17, for agreeing to stand again and we support Mick in asking all members to give him your first preference vote (1) in the confidence that the branch will benefit if he is elected. Further information about the elections can be found here .

UCU Rising Strike dates

 w/c 30th January: Wednesday 1st February

w/c 6th February : Thursday 9th and Friday 10th

w/c 13th February (Reflection Week): Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th

w/c 20th February: Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd

w/c 27th February: Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd March

w/c 6th March: no strike action

w/c 13th March: Thursday 16th and Friday 17th

w/c Monday 20th March: Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd

We are aware that many members will have already taken the decision to take annual leave during reflection week (w/c 13th February) and so we will be picketing/demonstrating on dates that don’t fall within that week; members are not expected to alter their planned annual leave dates in the event that their planned annual leave dates coincide with strike dates during w/c 13th February

In order to ensure that we have the most visible and effective picketing and demonstrating, we will be concentrating this on a selection of the dates where strike action is happening. We are therefore calling on all UCU UCLan members to come to Preston to demonstrate and show solidarity with the action on the following dates: 1st , 9th, 21st and 28th February; 16th and 20th March.

Reflection  Week: Members have contacted us perplexed that strike action has been called to coincide with Reflection/Reading Week when many colleagues take leave. Unfortunately the branch has no control over the setting of strike dates. Here is UCU advice on taking leave during strikes:


I am on study or research leave during the strikes; what should I do?

If your leave is unpaid, you have no labour to withdraw and cannot join the strike. If your leave is paid, you should join the strikes.

I am booked to be on annual leave during the strikes; what should I do?

If your annual leave is essential, you should take it as planned and consider donating to the fighting fund. If your leave is not essential, you may wish to move it so you can participate in industrial action alongside colleagues

For other strike-related queries, please see the FAQs on the UCU website here:

Update on pay negotiations: The latest action has resulted in an offer that, whilst still falling short of what is needed to settle the dispute, is an improvement on previous offers. This suggests that we are having an effect on the employers and we trust this will encourage members to stay strong and keep the pressure up at this crucial stage.


Branch Meeting Report

At the general meeting of the branch on 18th January, the following business was discussed:

UCU Rising pay dispute: Branch Officer Cath Sullivan reported the results of the branch survey on union strategy in the pay dispute: 65% were in favour of targeted strike action, 34% in favour of indefinite strike action and 56% in favour of a marking and assessment boycott. 83% said UCU should consult members before any move to indefinite strike action.

27% of members in the branch responded. As the survey was anonymous, members wishing to receive responses to their written comments are invited to email UCU. The results were in line with those from most other branches and were presented at the branch delegates meeting on 10th January which in turn and informed decisions by the national union’s Higher Education Committee (HEC). Branch Chair Mick McKrell told the meeting that delegates voted to choose between a plan of 10 days of escalating strike action proposed by the General Secretary, or indefinite strike action as decided by the HEC. The resulting 18 days of strikes planned for February and March are a ‘compromise’ between these positions. A marking boycott is also planned for the summer. The UCLan UCU delegates voted in accordance with the local membership’s responses to the survey in the meeting.

Andrew Baron said that the strike action on 1st February (the first of 18 days) will be the culmination of 15 months of balloting and action.  Whilst appreciating that this is difficult for members, it is also important to sustain momentum that has been built up, especially in the current context of several unions across many sectors, including teachers, also taking strike action.

Motion for the Regional Committee Mick McKrell proposed a motion to NW Regional Committee on 28th January opposing legislation to limit the right to strike by imposing ‘minimum safety levels’. The motion was carried overwhelmingly.

Academic calendar And Rosta told the meeting that there is a standing agreement that Management will consult with UCU on the calendar, but this has not happened over the last three years. Whilst this oversight may have been understandable during the COVID-19 pandemic, it should not be continuing. The change in practice has coincided with a change in senior management.  The 2024-25 calendar contains some radical changes, including examinations moving into teaching weeks and teaching contact time being condensed into fewer weeks. Whilst UCU has been assured that the number of teaching contact hours will not reduce, members are asked to get in contact if they find that this is happening.

Management/academic restructure  And Rosta said there has been no proper consultation with UCU. This raises two issues. Firstly, the security of employment for UCU members in management and secondly, whether a manager will have sufficient hours to do all aspects of their job effectively. There will be further updates in due course.

Redundancy prevention And Rosta updated members on the situation in CCI. Management propose offering targeted VR outside CCI where they feel it is likely to be accepted . The acceptance criteria are (a) that the work the applicant is undertaking can cease to be done or (b) that it could be done by someone else who is already employed at UCLan if it needs to continue. Management are not aiming for any VR targets. Within CCI there may be multiple VR applications from within  the same team so it may not be possible to grant them all.  If this happens UCU proposes that the team concerned puts together a consensus proposal. If this is not possible then management may need to introduce selection criteria. UCU will not participate in this selection process but will continue to support members affected.

Defend the Right to Strike’ rallies

Preston Trades Council has organised a rally to protest against proposed ‘minimum safety levels’ legislation limiting the right to strike, a move which members voted to oppose at the Branch General Meeting. It will take place on Preston Flag Market, 11.30 on Wednesday 1st February. For members living in the Manchester area, there is a rally organised by Manchester Trades Council starting at 12.30 in St Peter’s Square.

Workplace Charter on Harmful Gambling

UCU, Unite and Unison have signed up to the Workplace Charter on Harmful Gambling, which commits the University to providing support for staff and students who may be a risk from gambling harms.

And Rosta – Comrade of Distinction

Heartfelt congratulations to Branch Secretary And Rosta on receiving a Distinguished Service Award from the UCU General Secretary and UCU President for his outstanding contribution to UCU over the last two decades. And was nominated by the Branch Committee in 2020, endorsed by the NW Regional Committee that year and would have received the award at Congress had it not been cancelled due to the Covid pandemic. It is richly deserved and a fitting testimony to And’s unstinting dedication to UCU members as a rep and officer of the branch.


UCU Branch Committee




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